Zhou Jin Bo is the main character for the latest drama, Fervent Love. this drama is adapted from a web novel entitled Chong Sheng Hou Wo Jia Geis Le Can Ji Da Lao by Xing Deng Zhong Xia You.
Jin Bo will compete acting with Guo Jia Nan who plays two characters. This drama is also played by Roi, Li Qian, and Xiang Xin.
Check out the synopsis of the drama Fervent Love below:
Fervent Love tells the story of Shen Han Xing (Zhou Jin Bo) who has a car accident. After the accident, Han Xing realizes his girlfriend, He Chen (Guo Jia Nan) has been replaced by He Can.
Shen Han Xing could not reveal it directly so he chose to find another way. To reveal the truth, he pretended to be engaged to He Chen’s uncle, Zhong Si Huai (Roi).
He was deliberately engaged to get closer to He Can. However, as the investigation deepens and their relationship becomes more complicated.
However, Han Xing’s engagement and closeness caused new problems. Shen Han Xing began to suspect that the man she had been with might actually be the real He Chen.
He Chen and He Can may not have deliberately exchanged but were swapped by certain parties. Shen Han Xing now has to reveal the truth between them.
Fervent Love consists of 23 episodes and the latest episodes air every day on WeTV.
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